15 ways to free your mind from unwanted thoughts

There’s nothing more frustrating than a thought that won’t go away, right?

You see it in your head — or maybe you hear it in your head — and you know it’s not accurate or helpful.

But you can’t get rid of it. You can’t free your mind from unwanted thoughts.

What can you do?

If you’re looking for ways to declutter your mind, you’ve come to the right place.

Read on to learn 15 practical ways to free your mind of unwanted thoughts.

1) Break the negative cycle

It’s not easy to think positively when you’re constantly bombarded with negativity.

But it’s not impossible either.

Negativity can take over your mind so fast that you can get stuck in a spiral of negativity that feels like it’s glued to your brain.

Yes, it can be hard to break out of that negative cycle, especially when it gets so intense that you can’t think about anything else.

But you know what?

If you’re willing to try, chances are that you’ll be able to make it work for you.

Let me show you how.

The first step to uncluttering your mind is breaking out of a negative thought pattern.

You see, when you think the same thing over and over again, it becomes a habit. And habits are difficult to break.

But in this case, it’s possible to break a negative thought pattern that’s getting in your way. Here’s how:

When you find yourself thinking, “I don’t want to do that” or “I don’t feel like doing that,” stop what you’re doing and ask yourself: “What is behind that thought?”

It’s normal for us to have negative thoughts about things we don’t enjoy doing, but those thoughts are usually based on something else: fear.

So here’s what you need to do: think about what your fear is based on, and then move past it. And don’t forget that the key here is to try!

2) Change your perspective

What do you do when you notice that unwanted thoughts have taken up residence in your mind?

Let me guess – you probably get frustrated.

And that’s understandable.

But when something like this happens, you should take a step back and see the situation from a different perspective.

For example,

  • If you’re in the middle of an argument with someone, take a deep breath and ask yourself: “What would I say if this were my friend?”
  • If you’re walking down the street and someone cuts you off, imagine that it’s your best friend doing it. What would you say?  How would you respond?
  • If a friend or family member says something negative about something you’ve done, ask them what they would have said if they had been there instead of you.
  • If they can’t think of anything constructive to say, then don’t take their criticism personally. Instead, use their words as an opportunity to learn something new about yourself or your life.

Do you see where we’re going with this?

If you shift your perspective and see negative thoughts as a learning opportunity, instead of a burden, then you’ll start to see that they don’t control your life.

But the best part is that it doesn’t even take much effort!

You might not be able to change the world, but you can always change your mind.

It almost goes without saying that we can’t just ignore negative thoughts when they come around.

But this doesn’t mean we have to let them control our lives or ruin our day or keep us from living a happy life. In fact, if you want a happier mind, it helps to learn how to deal with negative thoughts effectively.

So, whenever you notice negative thoughts creeping into your head and taking over your day, take a step back and ask yourself: “What’s going on here?” “Why am I thinking this?” “What am I afraid of?”.

This will help you develop a new perspective.

3) Break down your toxic spiritual habits

Ever noticed how many toxic habits you’ve gained along the way of dealing with your spiritual problems?

It doesn’t matter whether you want to free your mind from unwanted thoughts or solve other spiritual problems, I bet you often listen to spiritual gurus or experts in the field and dive into spiritual myths instead of dealing with your problems.

Sounds familiar?

That’s why you have to go through the process of breaking down all the things that are stopping you from achieving your goals.

Don’t worry. There’s a solution.

The simple thing about spirituality is that it’s just like everything else in life:

It can be manipulated.

Unfortunately, some spiritual gurus and experts take advantage of this and twist spirituality into something toxic – poisonous even.

I learned this from the shaman, Rudá Iandé. With over 30 years of experience in the field, he’s seen and experienced it all.

From exhausting positivity to downright harmful spiritual practices, the Free Your Mind masterclass he created will help you give up on toxic spirituality and meet your true self.

So what makes Rudá different from the rest? How do you know he’s not also one of the manipulators he warns against?

The answer is simple:

He promotes spiritual empowerment from within.

Click here to watch the free video and bust the spiritual myths you’ve bought into the truth.

Rather than telling you how you should practice spirituality, Rudá puts the focus solely on you. Essentially, he puts you back in the driver’s seat of your spiritual journey.

No wonder this masterclass will help you break down your toxic habits and free your mind from unwanted thoughts.

4) Identify your unwanted thoughts

I know you’re trying to get rid of your unwanted thoughts. But let me ask you a question.

Do you even recognize the exact thoughts you’re trying to get rid of?

If you don’t, what are you doing?

You’re probably going about it the wrong way.

This is because you’re not dealing with the underlying causes of your problems. You’re focusing on symptoms instead.

But the truth is that you need to know exactly what’s causing your unwanted thoughts. Otherwise, you’ll end up wasting your efforts and energy on things that won’t work.

Let me tell you a secret.

Sometimes, all it takes to free your mind from unwanted thoughts is to simply notice when they’re there.

Once you’re aware of your thoughts and their influence on your emotions, you can take action to change them.

But how do you know which thoughts are unwanted?

It’s simple. Just ask yourself the following question:

Do I want to think about this?

If the answer is “yes,” then it’s a thought you want to keep in your mind. If the answer is “no,” it’s a thought you want to get rid of. And if you don’t know for sure, it’s probably not a thought you want to keep in your mind.  Got it?

5) Have an action plan ready

Are you ready to bust those unwanted thoughts once and for all? Great!

Now let me tell you the secret sauce that will help you do just that.

It’s simple, really. You need to have an action plan ready.


Because when unwanted thoughts intrude on you, it’s hard to think about new ways to deal with them.

But once you have an action plan, you can use it to overcome your unwanted thoughts. And once you’ve mastered that, you’ll be able to use it for anything else that comes up in your life.

So try to find out what works for you and have an action plan ready to use when it comes to unwanted thoughts.

6) Don’t suppress your unwanted thoughts

If you want to get rid of your unwanted thoughts, you’ll probably try to suppress them.

But guess what?

Believe it or not, suppressing unwanted thoughts doesn’t work. In fact, it can make things worse.


Because suppression is a maladaptive coping mechanism that leads to a vicious cycle.

When you suppress unwanted thoughts, they tend to get stronger. And when they get stronger, you try to suppress them even more.  And so on and so forth.

The result?

Your unwanted thoughts become even more intrusive and difficult to deal with. And the cycle continues until you give in and give up.

This means that you’ll end up creating more unwanted thoughts in the future. And people tend to do that when they suppress their unwanted thoughts.

So what should you do instead?

Well, if you want to get rid of your unwanted thoughts for good, the best thing you can do is learn how to deal with them in a healthy way. That way, your mind will be able to process them without any interference from your conscious mind.

So instead of suppressing your unwanted thoughts, you need to learn how to deal with them in a positive way.

7) Reshape your thoughts

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Frankly, the best way to deal with unwanted thoughts is to reshape them.

Now you probably wonder why I am so convinced about this. The truth is that I’ve been there too. I’ve been in the same situation as you. And I’ve used this technique to get rid of unwanted thoughts.

There was a time when I couldn’t believe I had the power to change my own thoughts, discover the real me and create a better place for living.

But my experience with the world-renowned shaman Rudá Iandé changed everything.

You see, so much of what we believe to be reality is just a construction. Your unwanted thoughts are also construction, and that’s why you can actually reshape them to create fulfilling lives that are in line with what matters most to us.

That’s exactly what I earned from this excellent free video, where Rudá explains how you can lift the mental chains and get back to the core of your being.

A word of warning, Rudá isn’t your typical shaman.

He’s not going to reveal pretty words of wisdom that offer false comfort.

Instead, he’s going to force you to look at yourself in a way you have never before. It’s a powerful approach, but one that works.

So if you’re ready to take this first step towards getting free from unwanted thoughts, there’s no better place to start than with Rudá’s unique method.

Here’s a link to the free video again.

8) Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones

Let me say this straight.

One of the best ways to get rid of unwanted thoughts is to replace them with positive ones.

In fact, it’s a common technique used by mental health professionals around the world during cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

And it’s found to be effective because this is the only way to change your inner dialogue. And once you change your inner dialogue, you’ll be able to deal with unwanted thoughts in a healthier way.

So how do you do that?

First of all, try to identify what kind of negative thoughts you have. And then find out what it is about those thoughts that bother you.

Are they too harsh and critical? Are they too self-critical? Are they just plain unrealistic?

Whatever it might be, try to find out what it is about the negative thoughts that bother you and then replace them with positive ones.

9) Talk loudly about your unwanted thoughts

You’ve probably heard people say that talking loudly about your problems is one of the best ways to get rid of them.

And that’s true.

That’s because this is the only way to change your inner dialogue. And once you change your inner dialogue, you’ll be able to deal with unwanted thoughts in a healthier way.

The reason is that talking about your unwanted thoughts is the same as self-reflection. And self-reflection is the only way to change your inner dialogue.

And guess what?

It’s also possible to use this method with positive thoughts. In that case, your inner dialogue is more likely to lead you in a better direction.

So try talking loudly about your unwanted thoughts and see what happens. You can just write down your unwanted thoughts on a piece of paper and read them aloud. It might work for you too!

10) Understand what triggers your thoughts

Have you ever noticed how your unwanted thoughts come to you after a particular situation?

Have you ever wondered why that is?

Well, it’s because your unwanted thoughts are triggered by certain situations in your life.

In other words, your unwanted thoughts are triggered by certain situations in your life. And once you know what those situations are, you’ll be able to deal with them better.

The key is to see the relationship between your unwanted thoughts and the situations in your life. Here’s how to do it:

  • List down all the situations that trigger your unwanted thoughts.
  • Take note of what happens when these situations happen (for example, how do you feel?)
  • Notice the differences between how you feel before the situation and after it (for example, do you have more or less anxiety?)
  • Write down whatever comes up for you during these moments (your inner dialogue).
  • Understand why this is happening to you and what it means for you.

However simple these tips might seem, believe me, they will help you change your inner dialogue for the better.

11) Change the way you think about yourself

If your unwanted thoughts are really a reflection of how you see yourself, then the solution is obvious. You just need to change the way you perceive yourself.

Let’s see how this works.

When you see yourself as a victim, you’ll always be in a state of fear. And since you’re always afraid, your inner dialogue will always be about fear.

But what if you see yourself as a winner?

As a winner, you’ll feel loved, accepted, and safe. And since you’re feeling safe, your unwanted thoughts will no longer be so frightening.

What does it mean?

Well, when you change the way you see yourself, your unwanted thoughts will change too.

So there you have it.

All you need to do is to change the way you think of yourself. And once you do that, your unwanted thoughts will change too.

12) Accept your negative thoughts

Do you know those negative thoughts are an inevitable part of life?

Yes, that’s right. You’re not the only one who has them.

And if you think about it, you’ll realize that most of the people around you have some kind of negative thoughts too.

So, why do we have negative thoughts? Why do we continue to have them? And why can’t we just accept them and let them go?

Well, here’s one simple reason: we don’t want to accept our negative thoughts because it means accepting ourselves as victims.

And that’s something we’re not ready for yet. So we choose to ignore our negative thoughts and pretend they don’t exist altogether.

This only makes things worse in the long run because it keeps us from learning from our mistakes. And who wants that?

But to be honest, that doesn’t mean you have to be ruled by them.

When you start accepting these thought patterns as natural and universal, they will lose their power over you.

Remember: You can choose what to do with your thoughts regardless of whether or not they’re painful- so don’t let the negativity get the best of you!

13) Manage your stress and anxiety

What is the main reason why you’re experiencing these unwanted thoughts?

Well, it could be because of stress or anxiety.

The truth is that these thoughts are usually generated when you’re under high levels of stress and anxiety.

And as you know, your thoughts can become very destructive when you’re under stress.

By the way, this doesn’t mean that stress and anxiety will automatically make you have negative thoughts.

They will only make it easier for your mind to think negatively in general. But this is not always the case!

If there’s something about your life that’s stressing you out, then it’s time to manage this problem right away!

Seriously, don’t you just hate it when stress and anxiety get in the way of your life?

Well, that’s exactly the kind of situation you want to avoid. So if these thoughts are starting to happen to you, it’s best to get rid of them before they get out of control!

14) Engage yourself or spend time with supportive people

When do you experience your unwanted thoughts?

I bet that’s when you’re alone and have time to yourself.

At first glance, there’s nothing wrong with this. But what do you do when these unwanted thoughts start to enter your mind?

Well, the truth is that these thoughts will only get stronger and bigger if you don’t deal with them properly.

So what should you do to manage them? Well, there are two options:

1) Engage yourself in a task or activity that takes your focus off of yourself.

Things like going for a walk, playing a game on your phone, or even reading a book! You can also engage in physical exercise – just don’t overdo it! (Unless you’re exercising to work off negative emotions!)

2) Spend time with supportive people who will help lift your mood up and make you feel better.

This can be anyone – friends, family members, or even strangers! But keep in mind that if you spend too much time around people who make you feel bad about yourself, then they’re probably not the best people to have in your life.

15) Develop a healthy sense of self-esteem and self-confidence

I bet that you’ve been told a million times already!

But yes, if you want to get rid of your unwanted thoughts and negative self-talk, then you need to work on your self-esteem and self-confidence.

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The fact of the matter is that healthy self-esteem and self-confidence are two positive characteristics that you should strive to develop in your life.

These are the characteristics that will help you manage your unwanted thoughts better.

You see, if you don’t have a healthy sense of self-esteem or confidence, then it’s very likely that those negative thoughts will come into your life.

And these thoughts will make it harder for you to cope with stress and anxiety.

So if you want to manage your negative thoughts better, then it’s best to develop healthy self-esteem and confidence. And for this, first, you need to find your true self and accept the fact that sometimes experiencing negative feelings can be quite normal.

This will help you to become more accepting of your emotions, which in turn will help you to manage them better.

Final thoughts

All in all, managing your unwanted thoughts and negative self-talk is not that hard.

Hopefully, in this article, you learned how to free your mind from unwanted thoughts by adding a few simple practices to your life, understanding why those unwanted thoughts come to your mind, and taking action to eliminate them.

So don’t forget to try to develop a stronger sense of self, and as a result, it will teach you how to manage your negative thoughts in a much more effective way.

Picture of Nato Lagidze

Nato Lagidze

Nato is a writer and a researcher with an academic background in psychology. She investigates self-compassion, emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and the ways people make decisions. Writing about recent trends in the movie industry is her other hobby, alongside music, art, culture, and social influences. She dreams to create an uplifting documentary one day, inspired by her experiences with strangers.

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