Creativity is often seen as a mysterious, rare, and magical gift that only a fortunate few are born with. It’s not something most of us can develop or nurture with time and effort.
Wrong! Creativity is present in everything we do—even coming up with this list of reasons why creativity isn’t just a helpful skill for everyone to have.
If you’re reading this article, chances are you want to become more creative. Good news: It’s possible!
Even if you don’t feel like you have much artistic flair at the moment, there are numerous ways to build your creative confidence and unlock your potential as an innovative person.
Keep reading for 10 essential tips on how to be a more creative person today!
1) Dedicate time to ideation
It’s easy to get so caught up in your daily routine that you forget about your creative side.
Maybe you enjoyed art or music when you were younger, but as an adult, you’re too busy with work and other responsibilities to pursue a creative hobby or pastime.
But don’t underestimate the power of dedicated creative ideation time!
Whether you’re a writer, a painter, a musician, or a photographer, you need dedicated time to work on your craft and experiment with new ideas.
If you’re someone who likes to keep their creativity on the back burner, it’s easy to forget about the benefits of kicking your creative energy into high gear.
Dedicating a few hours a week to ideation can help you boost your self-confidence, feel less stressed, and make more connections in your life and career.
And you never know—maybe you’ll invent the next Microsoft or Apple while you’re at it!
2) Commit to a creative habit
The best way to develop any skill is to create a new daily habit.
This can be done by setting a target of 21 hours of practice in 21 days. There are countless creative habits that can help you unlock your creative potential.
For example, you could set a daily goal to write down one creative idea every day. Or you could try meditating every day to find a balance between your creative and logical sides.
You could also try keeping a creative journal to help you “process” your thoughts and feelings when they arise.
There are so many different creative habits you can try out and test. The best part is that you can tailor them to fit your specific needs and interests!
Finding a creative habit that resonates with you can be a huge boost to your confidence and motivation. It’s a great way to get in touch with your creative side without having to think too much about it.
You can just do it as part of your daily routine, making it a part of who you are. And as you continue to practice with dedication, you’ll find that your creative side becomes a lot more accessible.
3) Stop caring what others think
Fun fact:
Creativity is often misunderstood by those who don’t understand it. It’s easy to feel like you have to apologize for your creativity or feel guilty for allowing your imagination to run free.
But you can’t let other people’s negative thoughts and judgments hold you back. You don’t have to be a famous artist or author to be creative.
Everyone has the potential to be creative.
Whether you’re a doctor, an engineer, a teacher, a child, or a stay-at-home parent, you can be creative. So why not stop worrying about what other people think and just be yourself?
In fact, if you really want to unlock your creative potential, you should throw away the idea that creativity is limited to specific professions!
Creativity isn’t something you “do”—it’s something you “are”. You don’t need to be an expert artist to be creative. You just need to have an open mind and a willingness to experiment.
4) Find your niche
Everyone has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes.
When it comes to creativity, it’s important to find your niche—the specific type of creativity that speaks to you the most.
You don’t have to be a Jack of all trades, but it’s important to have a focus and a strong skill set that you can rely on.
For example, if you’re an engineer who loves photography, you could focus on taking and editing photos in a specific field such as engineering or architecture.
If you’re a writer who loves to cook, you could focus on writing recipe blogs or cookbooks.
Whatever your “niche” may be, it’s important to find your specific creative outlet and “own” it.
Once you know what you excel at, it’s easier to connect with like-minded people, find creative opportunities and boost your confidence.
I know it might cause confusion and be time-consuming to actually find your niche. I once went through a “niche discovery phase” where I was trying to figure out what type of work I truly loved.
It made me realize there are a ton of different types of creative work to figure out if I truly like it or not. After a few months, I discouraged my inner critic and nearly gave up. That was until I watched the free video by life coach Jeanette Brown.
She helped me work through these feelings of discouragement and self-doubt and helped me realize how to overcome them. Her message was simple: Just keep trying things until you find something you truly love!
The best part of her method is that she triggered my motivator. As I kept trying different creative ideas, new insights and feelings began to surface—and it made me realize that my creative abilities and interests were limitless!
To find out how to be creative and get the most out of your life, check out Jeanette Brown’s free video!
5) Join expert communities
Are you interested in creative fields such as design, architecture, photography, music, or writing?
Or do you want to get a better understanding of the creative process? Joining an expert community is a great way to expand your knowledge and make connections with like-minded people.
There are numerous online communities you can join, such as forums, Facebook groups, and LinkedIn groups. You can also find offline communities in your city by searching “creative meetups” or “creative events”.
Joining creative communities is a great way to get inspired, learn new skills, and meet new people.
It’s a wonderful way to tap into your creative potential and find new hobbies and interests. The more you learn about different fields and niches, the more your creative mind will expand and connect ideas in new ways.
6) Find your “creativity rhythm”
Everyone is different, so there’s no “perfect” way to create.
You have to find your own “creativity rhythm”, and it may take time to get to know yourself better.
Some people like to start with an exercise such as meditating, doodling, or journaling to clear their minds before they start to create.
Others prefer to brainstorm ideas before they start to create visual art or write. Others prefer to “zone out” and let their mind wander freely before they start to create.
Whatever works best for you, it’s important to experiment with different techniques to find your “creativity rhythm”.
There’s no “right” or “wrong” way to create.
There’s only what works for you! As you continue to explore and experiment with different techniques, you’ll find your “creativity rhythm” and get better at tapping into your creative side.
7) Develop your observation skills
Creativity isn’t just about coming up with amazing ideas out of nowhere.
It’s also about recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities and connections in the world around you. It’s easy to get so caught up in your own thoughts and worries that you forget to pay attention to the world around you.
But you can train yourself to become more aware of your surroundings and boost your creative confidence by developing your observation skills.
There are many ways to do this, such as taking walks to explore your city, keeping a journal to “process” your thoughts and feelings, or trying meditation to clear your mind.
It may sound a little silly, but it’s important to be open to new things and opportunities—especially when you’re not actively working on a project!
8) Don’t be afraid to break the rules
Trust me, this isn’t easy!
There’s a lot of pressure to live up to society’s standards and follow rules that you may not even fully understand.
But the thing is, there are so many creative people who don’t follow these rules or conform to the status quo.
You can experiment with all kinds of new things, from different mediums to different themes. It’s important to follow your instincts and push the boundaries of your creativity so that you can break new ground.
And if something doesn’t work for you, you can always try something else. Don’t be afraid to be bold and push the boundaries of your creativity. You might find that you stumble upon something great.
9) Find a mentor or coach who believes in you
If you want to become more creative, find a mentor or coach who believes in you.
Find someone who can inspire you, help you get out of a creative rut, and challenge your creative boundaries. A mentor or coach can be a friend, family member, colleague, or someone you met online.
They can be anyone who can help you unlock your creative potential and achieve your creative goals.
The truth is:
To become more creative, you have to step outside your comfort zone and come up with new ideas.
You have to explore uncharted territory and put your creative skills to the test. And the only way to do this is to have someone believe in you, push you to your limits and stand by you when things get tough.
If you’re struggling with a creative challenge and need some extra inspiration and motivation, you can turn to your mentor or coach for help.
You’ll be surprised at how much progress you can make in just a few short weeks
10) Don’t feel like you need to be an expert right away
Creativity can be daunting, especially if you’re new to it.
If you’re feeling pressured to become an expert right away, you might feel overwhelmed and demotivated.
To become more creative, don’t feel like you have to be an expert right away. Don’t put pressure on yourself.
Instead, just explore your creative side and have fun with it.
Try new things and experiment with different ideas. You don’t need a detailed plan or big goals to be creative.
You just need to let your creative side come out and play. Be curious, explore your feelings and stay open to new adventures. And before you know it, you’ll become more creative!
Also, keep in mind that you are never, ever alone.
Everyone struggles with creative challenges at some point and needs someone to lean on and give them a helping hand. Creating a support system is an important part of making it through the difficulties of the creative process.
There is no right or wrong way to be creative. There are only lessons to be learned and a world to explore.
Creativity can be scary, but it’s also exciting and liberating.
So when you feel stuck or experience a creative block, don’t feel like you need to follow any rules or rules of thumb that you find online.
Final thoughts
Hopefully, you’ll discover that being more creative is easier than you thought!
Your creativity is a natural part of your life and it’s up to you to tap into your creative side.
The good news is, you can do this. You can be more creative and enjoy the freedom that comes with it.
Just follow the 10 tips above and start to tap into your creative side. And remember that every day is a new creative opportunity!
Have fun with your creative journey and find your hidden creative talents!