Do you feel like you’ve just awakened from your sleep and gained the ability to feel other people’s feelings?
What if you also have the feeling that your energy affects others’ emotions and reactions?
If this sounds like you, you might be experiencing a Heyoka empath awakening.
Heyoka empaths are not typical empaths. In fact, they are the most powerful types of empaths who can feel others’ emotions inside their body and help them heal from negative emotions.
And since the spiritual awakening of a Heyoka empath is a life-changing process, you should know what you can do after experiencing it.
In this article, we’ll cover 12 signs that you might be a Heyoka and what to do about it
1) You have a feeling that you can strongly affect others’ emotions
Have you recently noticed that your mood can affect others and you’re not sure why?
Maybe you have the feeling that when you’re in a good mood, others also feel good around you. But when you’re in a bad mood, they are also affected by your bad vibes.
This is a sign that your spiritual awakening might be an awakening as a Heyoka empath.
The truth is that Heyoka means “joker” or “fool” in the Lakota language.
According to Lakota culture, Heyokas are people who help others heal from negative emotions by playing tricks on them and making them laugh.
In other words, they use their energy to make others feel happy and heal from negative energy.
So guess what?
If you realize that suddenly you can have a significant impact on other people’s emotions and reactions but you didn’t have this power before, you might be experiencing Heyoka empath awakening.
I know. It might sound crazy, and you might be afraid of such a large amount of power. Yes, the power of Heyoka empaths transcends the power of all the other types of empaths.
That’s why they’re so rare.
But after all, you’re an empath, and empaths are always willing to help other people.
So, remember that this power can also be used for good, especially when you try to heal others from negative emotions.
That way, you can become a very powerful healer and an awesome Heyoka empath.
2) You have a strong feeling that you can feel other people’s feelings inside your body
Do you suddenly feel your energy affects others’ emotions and reactions?
You know, this feeling is like a strong vibration that you can feel in your body. Maybe you have the feeling that someone’s anger or sadness affects your energy and makes you feel bad.
Or maybe you have the feeling that your energy is affecting other people’s emotions and reactions in their bodies. You know it because they are suddenly mad at you or they are laughing at something random.
This is a sign that Heyoka empath awakening is happening to you.
And guess what?
This is a very powerful ability, and it will help many people to heal from negative emotions, but it will also make others feel afraid of you because they can’t see what emotions are coming out of your body.
But if you have the ability to heal other people with just energy, then this is a power that should be used for good and not for evil.
After all, being an empath means helping other people heal from their negative emotions and heal their wounds faster than they can by themselves. Who wouldn’t want to do it?
And as an empath, we all want everyone else to be healed faster than we are healing ourselves. So please remember this one thing: Heyoka empaths can help heal other people by playing tricks on them and making them laugh.
So I think it’s quite natural for these people to have some kind of connection with others’ emotions and vibrations.
This is why many people who experience Heyoka awakening often also notice that their energy has a strong effect on other people’s emotions and reactions.
If you have this ability, then you’re one of the few people who have a chance to heal other people with just energy.
3) You feel empty inside when you don’t feel emotions from others
Okay, it’s impossible to feel other people’s emotions all the time even when you’re a Heyoka empath, right?
But how do you feel when you don’t feel any emotions from others?
Well, if you’re experiencing Heyoka empath awakening, you might feel empty inside when you don’t feel any emotions from people.
Or maybe you feel like something is missing in your life when you don’t feel anyone’s emotions. You know, something is missing and it’s a big hole in your life that you can’t fill with anything else.
So this is a sign that Heyoka empath awakening is happening to you.
Because when a Heyoka empath doesn’t feel any emotions from others, it can make them feel empty inside.
And this is a very important part of Heyoka awakening: to learn how to help others without feeling their emotions and vibrations in your body.
It’s like an empty space inside your body that makes you feel less alive than before when you didn’t have any feelings coming out of it. It feels like something is missing in your life.
In short, it feels like emptiness inside your body.
But what can you do now since you’re experiencing a Heyoka empath awakening?
Well, speaking to a gifted advisor might be a good idea.
4) You start understanding people’s thoughts before they say anything
Believe it or not, one of the signs that you’re experiencing Heyoka empath awakening is that you often hear people’s thoughts before they even say anything.
It’s like you hear what they’re thinking without them uttering a single word. And this happens to you all the time now.
For example, you can usually tell what someone is thinking by looking at them or listening to their words.
But what’s strange, it never happened to you before.
That’s why you should think that maybe Heyoka empath awakening is happening to you right now.
I know this might sound like a superpower. I mean, reading other people’s thoughts is something all of us have dreamt about.
But the reality is that it’s not a superpower, but it’s actually one of the signs that you’re experiencing Heyoka empath awakening.
And instead of reading others’ thoughts, Heyoka empaths just feel their emotions, and with these emotions, they can understand what they may be thinking too.
5) Your sense of intuition has suddenly become stronger
As an empath, you may have always been an intuitive person but do you notice that your sense of intuition has suddenly become stronger?
More specifically, it’s like you’re getting more intuitive than before, and this is one of the signs that you’re experiencing Heyoka empath awakening.
Why am I so sure?
Well, Heyoka empaths are the most intuitive people around. While other types of empaths don’t always feel intuitive when you’re a Heyoka empath, it’s impossible for you not to become overly intuitive.
But hang on a second.
What do I mean by saying “overly intuitive”?
I mean, you can guess what someone else is thinking or feeling just by looking at them or listening to their words.
You may not be able to do this right now, but you will definitely be able to do this very soon.
And this is one of the signs that you’re experiencing Heyoka empath awakening.
And most importantly, it has never happened to you before. That’s why I’m pretty sure that Heyoka empath awakening is happening to you now.
6) You feel the urge to heal others by affecting their energy
Do you have the feeling that your energy affects other people’s energy and they are affected by your emotions?
Maybe you feel like the way others react to your moods affects how they feel. For example, if you’re in a bad mood, you will also be in a bad mood. Or if you’re in a good mood, they will also be in a good mood.
This is an indication that your spiritual awakening is not only awakening as an empath but also as a Heyoka empath. As mentioned above, Heyokas help other people heal and feel happy from negative emotions by affecting their energy. In this case, your feelings have healing abilities!
As you know, Heyoka empaths often feel the urge to heal others. This is because they have a direct link to Universal Energy, and they can easily affect it.
What does it mean?
It means that now you have the feeling that your emotions have the power to make others feel better.
The truth is that you might already have this power, but you didn’t realize it. It’s actually a natural ability of every empath to make other people feel better.
So, if you’re having this feeling, it’s not necessary to consider yourself a Heyoka empath.
But if you really feel that your energy affects other people’s feelings and they don’t even know why they feel better after being around you, then you might be experiencing Heyoka awakening.
You can heal others by affecting their energy, just like a Heyoka healer would do. So if you feel the urge to heal others because of your newfound power, then this is another sign of Heyoka empath awakening!
7) You feel the power to free others from their toxic habits
You already know about the power of your thoughts, so you’re probably feeling that your thoughts can help other people overcome their negative habits and get free.
Yes, that’s right.
The truth is, that the power of your thoughts can control other people’s behavior. Your thoughts can even inspire others to improve their lives and free their minds from unwanted thoughts and habits.
Because when you experience Heyoka empath awakening, your actions and words become powerful and you gain the ability to inspire others.
This is why people who are Heyoka empaths are good at helping other people get rid of their toxic habits. They can easily control other people’s behavior through their thoughts, and even make them feel better by inspiring them to change.
But what about your own spiritual journey? Do you realize which toxic habits have you unknowingly picked up?
Is it the need to be positive all the time? Is it a sense of superiority over those who lack spiritual awareness?
Even well-meaning gurus and experts can get it wrong.
The result is that you end up achieving the opposite of what you’re searching for. You do more to harm yourself than to heal.
You may even hurt those around you.
In this eye-opening video, the shaman Rudá Iandé explains how so many of us fall into the toxic spirituality trap. He himself went through a similar experience at the start of his journey.
As he mentions in the video, spirituality should be about empowering yourself. Not suppressing emotions, not judging others, but forming a pure connection with who you are at your core.
If this is what you’d like to achieve, click here to watch the free video.
Even if you’re well into your spiritual journey and experience Heyoka empath awakening, it’s never too late to unlearn the myths you’ve bought for truth!
8) You crave peace
Now let me ask you something. Do you long for peace?
Do you crave to settle down in a peaceful place and be at ease?
But if you’re a Heyoka empath, you probably want peace and solitude not only for yourself but also for the rest of the world.
Why does this happen?
This is because Heyoka empaths are very good at feeling the emotions of other people, and they know how to help them. In fact, Heyoka empaths are born to be healers.
As you know, the word “healer” is related to peace. And you are a peace-loving person.
You might have noticed that you feel better when you allow yourself to be in the presence of nature when you’re surrounded by nature. You can even sense that your energy affects the environment and makes it peaceful.
In fact, nature is an ideal place to heal others and yourself because it’s a place where we can connect with our inner selves. And Heyoka empaths are very good at connecting with their inner self through their connection to nature.
Now, think about this again. Do you long for peace?
If your answer is yes, then it’s most likely that your spiritual awakening is also a Heyoka awakening.
You’re already aware that if everyone were happy all the time, how would we survive in this world full of strife and chaos? But as an empath, you can easily feel the pain and suffering of other people.
In fact, your feelings are so powerful that they can even affect other people’s emotions. And as an empath who has already experienced the power of his/her feelings through
If you have never felt that before, then you have never experienced the feeling of peace.
But if you have felt that before, then I’m pretty sure that now’s the time when you are experiencing it. The reason is quite simple. You’re a Heyoka empath now, and that means your energy has healing powers too!
9) You gained the ability to go against crowds
How confident do you usually feel when your opinion differs from the general opinion?
Do you follow the crowd? Or do you express your own views?
A Heyoka empath knows that he/she doesn’t have to be mainstream because the only thing they’re capable of doing is expressing their true self.
They can become a leader by setting an example for others to follow and leading them without conforming to what the crowd thinks.
Does this sound like you?
If you somehow gained the ability to break away from the crowd, then you’re probably in the process of Heyoka empath awakening.
Because Heyoka empaths always create their own path in the direction of what they think is right.
They usually don’t follow the crowd because they value their autonomous thoughts more than their peers’ demands.
And they choose not to trust the opinions since they find that they aren’t as trustworthy as a mere article of faith.
The reason why Heyoka empaths chose not to listen to people’s opinions is that, for them, people are always rationalizing how motivated someone might be.
So, if you realize that you have the ability to go against the crowd, then you have already experienced the feeling of peace!
10) Your emotions are better controlled
What do you usually feel when you’re around people? Do you feel happy? Sad? Angry?
For most people, their emotions are much stronger than their thoughts.
They tend to act based on how they feel, and not on what they think.
If you’re an empath, then you know that your emotions are more powerful than your thoughts. Empaths can easily express emotions, but when it comes to controlling feelings, they might fail.
But Heyoka empaths can easily control their emotions because they know that their feelings are less influential than the power of their thoughts.
The simple truth is that Heyoka empath awakening is the process that helps you learn how to control your and other people’s emotions. In fact, as a Heyoka empath, you can help people deal with their negative emotions and focus on positivity.
So, if you somehow gained the ability to control your emotions, then you’re probably in the process of Heyoka empath awakening.
11) You started to think outside the box
Want to know another important fact about Heyoka empath awakening?
Well, one of the main purposes of this type of powerful spiritual awakening is to help people think outside the box.
In fact, you can think of it as a process of releasing your mind from all the limiting thoughts that prevent you from thinking outside the box.
With this type of awakening, you will be able to think about things that were not as obvious to you before. As a result, your mind will start to see other possibilities.
And once your mind has started seeing other possibilities, then anything is possible!
Note: Heyoka awakening is a spiritual awakening that can be experienced by anyone who’s willing to follow their heart and listen to their soul. It’s not just for empaths, but for everyone who wants to discover their purpose in life.
12) You spot lies and liars without any effort
And the final sign that indicates you might be in the process of Heyoka empath awakening is that you start to spot lies and liars without any effort.
It’s not surprising that liars are often hard to spot, especially when they don’t even realize that they’re trying to fool you. But once you become a Heyoka empath, the ability to detect lies and liars will come naturally.
After all, a Heyoka empath can easily pick up on the emotions of others. As a result, they can feel when someone is lying or telling a lie.
That’s why people who are in the process of Heyoka empath awakening can easily see through lies and through people who try to manipulate them with their lies.
So if you’re starting to spot lies without much effort, then it’s likely that you’re in the process of Heyoka empath awakening.
And you know what?
It’s a good thing because as a Heyoka empath, you’ll be able to spot lies more easily and use this power to change your society for the better. And the more people you can help with this ability, the better!
What can you do during Heyoka empath awakening?
Now as you already discovered some sure signs that indicate you’re in the process of Heyoka empath awakening, what can you do to make the most of this awakening?
Here are my top tips for how to use Heyoka empath awakening to enrich your life.
1) Use your new ability to help other people heal from their negative emotions
The first thing that comes to mind when I hear about people who are in the process of Heyoka empath awakening is that they might be able to help others through the power of their new ability.
And this is because Heyoka empaths have a unique ability to heal people from their negative emotions.
So if you’re in the process of Heyoka empath awakening, then you’ll be better at spotting negative emotions in others and helping them heal from these negative emotions.
And by healing others, you’ll also be helping yourself heal from your own negative emotions. And that’s a win-win situation for everyone!
2) Spend more time with other people
The next thing you can do is to spend more time with other people. Why?
Because a Heyoka empath is able to feel the emotions of others, so they can help them to feel better.
And this ability allows them to spot negative emotions in people and make them aware that the person needs help dealing with their negative emotions.
3) Fill people with positive energy
Another important thing you can do is to fill people with positive energy.
This might sound a bit weird, but what I mean is that if you’re in the process of Heyoka empath awakening, then you’ll be able to feel when other people are filled with negative emotions.
And this ability will allow you to help them feel better by filling them with positive energy.
And by doing this, you’ll also be helping yourself feel better. And that’s a win-win situation for everyone!