7 habits that show a high level of personal integrity

Ever wondered if your actions truly align with your values? Does your moral compass guide you firmly, even when facing challenges? 

If you’re uncertain, don’t fret! That’s what we’re here for. 

In this article, we’re exploring the top 7 habits that demonstrate a high level of personal character. We’ll present concrete examples to help you determine if you’re living a life of genuine integrity. 

Ready for some soul-searching? Let’s get started!

Habit 1: Honesty is the best policy 

Honesty is not just a habit; it’s a cornerstone of personal integrity. It’s about being truthful and transparent in your actions, regardless of who is watching or what the circumstances may be

It builds trust and respect in interpersonal relationships, reflects your core values, and is instrumental in defining your character.

Picture this: You’re busy working part-time at a local café. One busy day, a customer leaves a wallet full of cash. You’re low on money, and no one would know if you kept it. 

But you value honesty. So, even with the tempting thought, you hand the wallet to the café’s lost and found. 

Later, the worried customer comes back. Seeing their relief after finding the wallet, you feel satisfied. 

Your choice, doing what’s right over what’s easy, reflects your integrity. It shows your true character through actions, not just words.

Habit 2: Consistency, even when life challenges you

Consistency is a key component of personal integrity. It’s the steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical outlook reflected in your actions, decisions, and words over time. 

It communicates reliability and predictability, and it’s a measure of your dedication to your core values, even in challenging situations.

Let’s paint a picture to get this point across: Say one of your main beliefs is treating everyone with respect, no matter what. 

So, you’re at the grocery store, waiting in a huge line with a basket stuffed with food, when suddenly, someone sneakily jumps the queue right in front of you. It’d be super easy to flip out, to get loud and confront them.

But you remember your commitment to respect. Even in the face of disrespect, you hold onto your values, maintaining your composure and choosing to engage respectfully.

Similarly, consider another situation at a restaurant where the waiter mistakenly messes up your order. While it would be easy to let frustration mount and lash out, you remember your core value of respect. 

Recognizing that everyone can have an off day, you choose to respond with kindness and understanding, treating the waiter with the same respect you would on a better day.

Through these scenarios, we see that consistency isn’t just about maintaining the same behavior in similar situations, but it’s about standing firm in your principles, even when circumstances tempt you to stray. 

It’s this unyielding consistency in your actions, aligned with your values, that serves as a true testament to your personal integrity.

Habit 3: Keeping promises, even when it’s easier to break them

Keeping promises is an integral facet of personal integrity. 

It’s about holding true to your word, even when it would be easier or more convenient to break it. When you keep a promise, you are showing that you can be trusted, you respect others and their time, and that your word holds weight.

Let’s say you’ve had a tough week, and all you want is to crash in bed. But a phone reminder says, “Help Sam pack – 8 PM.” You’d promised to help Sam move to their new place. 

You’re super tired, and making an excuse sounds easy. But you know that keeping promises means upholding your integrity, no matter what. 

So you fuel up with coffee and go to Sam’s. What starts as a chore turns into fun, packing boxes and sharing memories. Sticking to your promise, you show personal integrity and find joy in an unexpected place.

And this is the essence of keeping promises – it strengthens relationships, builds trust, and often leads to rewarding experiences.

Habit 4: Accountability, regardless of the consequences

Accountability is a crucial pillar of personal integrity. 

Being honest and admitting mistakes, instead of dodging responsibility or shifting blame, speaks volumes about your character. It highlights your commitment to learning and growing from your errors, a quality that underscores personal integrity.

Here’s an example: One busy morning, you’re rushing for a meeting and accidentally break a treasured family vase. You think about blaming the cat or saying it fell by itself to avoid your partner’s disappointment. 

But you remember your commitment to honesty. So, you pick up the broken pieces, and when your partner comes home, you admit, “I broke the vase. I was in a rush and not careful. I’m really sorry.”

Your admission might not erase the disappointment, but it’s an honest gesture that exhibits your accountability and commitment to integrity. 

You show that you’re willing to face the consequences of your actions, reinforcing that personal integrity is not just about doing the right thing when it’s easy but also when it’s hard.

Habit 5: Empathy and respect toward others

guilt free ways to remove toxic people from your life 7 habits that show a high level of personal integrity

Empathy and respect towards others are vital facets of personal integrity. 

They illustrate your capacity to understand and value the feelings, perspectives, and beliefs of others, even when they differ significantly from your own. 

Exhibiting empathy suggests that you can put yourself in another’s shoes while demonstrating respect confirms that you acknowledge their right to have different views or experiences.

So, for example, you’re super into science stuff…in contrast, your best friend is very religious. 

One day, you’re hanging out, and they share a deep spiritual experience from their church. You feel annoyed and want to challenge them with science facts.

But you don’t. You realize that respecting others’ views is a part of having integrity. So instead, you listen carefully, ask questions about their experience, and try to understand their perspective better. 

You may not agree with their beliefs, but you respect their right to have them. That shows real personal integrity.

Habit 6: Humility, accepting that you don’t always have to be the best or right

Humility is a cornerstone of personal integrity. 

It shows up as the skill to admit when you’re not perfect, to value the hard work of others, and to put their emotions and requirements before your own. 

Humility lets you realize that it’s okay not to always be on top or correct, and that there’s forever a chance to improve and pick up new things.

Basically, it lets you leave your ego at the door.  You know how to acknowledge and value others’ efforts, even when you believe you could have done better—and that’s a paramount sign of personal integrity. 

It’s about understanding that everyone has their unique skills and strengths, and it’s more important to build each other up than to focus on who does it ‘best.’

Habit 7: Standing up for what’s right, no matter what

Standing up for what’s right, even when it’s unpopular or uncomfortable, is an unmistakable characteristic of personal integrity. 

It involves stepping out of your comfort zone to ensure justice is served, to defend the innocent, or to challenge wrongdoing. This attribute demonstrates a strong moral compass and the courage to stand by your principles.

I remember when I lived in an apartment with a shared yard. Someone kept leaving their dog’s waste around, and everyone blamed Mrs. Jensen and her two small dogs. But I’d seen the real culprit: the man from the third floor with his big dog.

Instead of staying quiet, I chose to do the right thing. At the next residents’ meeting, I set the record straight and pointed out the actual wrongdoer. 

Now, I’m a really non-confrontational person, so this was excruciatingly difficult for me to do. I hated causing tension. 

But I knew that if I didn’t speak up, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. That thought gave me the nudge I needed to stand up for what’s right. 


In a nutshell, personal integrity involves being true to yourself, sticking to your values, and keeping your commitments. 

It’s about honesty, consistency, promise-keeping, being accountable, showing empathy, humility, and standing up for what’s right. 

Reflect on these key habits, and think about where you could do better. Remember, integrity is a lifelong journey that requires self-reflection and growth. 

Strive to live with integrity each day, even when it’s hard. 

Doing so will not only transform your life but also positively influence those around you.

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Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing for Ideapod to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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