Can you sell your soul in a dream? Everything you need to know

Selling your soul has been a topic of fascination for many centuries, and it’s no less intriguing today.

From selling your soul to the devil in exchange for fame and fortune to selling it as a way to pay off a debt, there are many ways you can sell your soul.

But can you sell your soul in a dream? Here is everything you need to know about that:

What is a soul?

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First off, let’s take a look at what a soul even is.

Unless we are on the same page about that, we can’t really talk about how to sell it and whether you can sell it in a dream.

A soul is an intangible, incorporeal part of a person that is a manifestation of both the purest part of their being and the part that is the most connected to the world around them.

There is much debate over what a soul actually is, with many people believing that it’s their essence and personality, while others believe it’s their consciousness and memories.

What we know for certain is that a soul is your connection to this world, and losing your soul would mean losing your ability to feel and be connected to the world around you.

Now: many cultures and religions have different names for what a soul is, but they are essentially the same thing.

There are many different names for it in the Hindu religion and other religions.

For us, a soul is your connection to this world, and losing your soul means losing your ability to feel and be connected to the world around you.

Essentially, your soul is your life force, without it, your body would just be a vessel for your consciousness.

In this way, your soul is like a battery that powers your physical body.

But what does it actually look like?

Most people picture a person’s soul as an orb of light or something similar, but it is not actually that, or at least, we’re not sure.

Your soul is invisible to the human eye and can’t be perceived as such.

If you had another soul looking at you, they would maybe see an orb of light floating above you, but we can’t know that for sure, either.

That’s how most people picture their souls, but that’s not the case in reality.

Is It Possible to Sell Your Soul in a Dream?

While it’s highly unlikely you would be able to sell your soul in a dream, it’s a possibility.

The reason, however, is not because the person you are selling it to is the devil, but rather because dreams are symbolic.

In your dreams, you may be faced with a situation where you have to make a choice – whether to sell your soul or not.

But keep in mind that you don’t control your dreams, and you aren’t actually selling your soul.

You are simply exploring a potential scenario.

If you do sell your soul in a dream, it may be a sign that you are feeling overly stressed or that you need to take a step back from life.

You see, if you are faced with the decision to sell your soul in a dream, try to figure out what the rest of the dream was about.

Dreams can tell you a lot about what is going on in your subconscious.

Oftentimes, when you have a dream where you must sell your soul, it is because you are feeling overwhelmed or have an important decision to make.

But the most important thing to remember is that dreams are symbolic.

They represent something in your mind, not something in the outside world.

So don’t be afraid to explore the symbolism of your dreams, and don’t be afraid to ask yourself what they mean.

You will most probably not be able to actually sell your soul in a dream, but your dream could still be meaningful when it comes to your life!

Why Does One Sell Their Soul?

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A lot of people mistakenly believe that selling their souls to the devil will give them incredible power.

They think that by selling their soul, the devil will grant them supernatural abilities and make them incredibly powerful.

But what many people don’t realize is that the devil doesn’t actually want your soul.

Instead, he wants your energy.

He wants you to perform tasks for him as a way of paying off your debt.

It is said in Folklore that by selling your soul, you are actually putting yourself in a very dangerous situation.

It’s very possible that the devil will come to collect on his end of the bargain, and you won’t be able to stop him.

Now: whether you believe that or not is up to you, but maybe you shouldn’t even risk it.

Can You Actually Lose Your Soul When You Sell it?

Apart from not even knowing for sure whether you can actually sell your soul, you also can’t lose it.

While this is a popular misconception, you can’t actually lose your soul when you sell it to the devil for supernatural powers.

Your soul is a part of you that you can’t get rid of.

It’s always there – even when you’re not aware of it.

It’s not something that you can pick up or put down like a backpack.

From stories, it is said that what you are losing when you sell your soul to the devil is your ability to feel and have power over your decisions.

You become numb to your surroundings, and you no longer care about anyone or anything.

You lose your ability to love as you know it. You lose your ability to feel empathy and to love yourself. You lose your ability to feel emotions like happiness and excitement.

All of that, plus the fact that your autonomy is gone.

Now again, these are just stories from folklore and witchy stuff, so the chance that you can actually sell your soul is very low – otherwise we probably would know a bit more about it.

What is a Soul Contract?

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A soul contract is an agreement that you make with another person in which you promise to give up a part of yourself in exchange for something.

Soul contracts are often made between people who are romantically involved with each other.

They come in two forms – open and closed.

Open soul contracts are ones that are still in the works, but the terms have been set. Closed soul contracts are ones that have been completed.

Just like an open contract, a closed soul contract is when two people enter into an agreement and make a promise to give up a part of themselves in exchange for something.

Now: soul contracts are usually said to be bound to the soul, so if you don’t hold up your side of the deal, you might give up your soul.

Why Don’t People Sell Their Souls?

The short answer is that people don’t sell their souls because they don’t feel the need to and want to keep their souls.

But there is a bit more to it than that. Let’s pretend that selling your soul was an actual possibility.

If you were to sell your soul to the devil, you would be giving up a part of yourself.

You would be missing out on enjoying life’s simple pleasures, such as laughter, joy, and love.

You would also be missing out on all of life’s pain, heartbreak, and sadness.

There are things in life that you have to go through, whether you like it or not. And selling your soul would take away your ability to go through those things and move on.

Of course, most people want that.

Plus, according to this lore, selling your soul also means you give up on the chance to go to Heaven after you die.

Who can buy your soul?

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While many people mistakenly believe that the devil is the only person who can buy a soul, this is not the case.

In fact, anyone could theoretically buy your soul if you sell it, which is why you shouldn’t sell your soul.

However, most people don’t have a lot to give you back in return, do they?

Any person who you give your soul can take control of you and use that power to do whatever they want.

Again, this is only based on the idea that you can actually sell your soul, which is questionable.

How to save your soul from being sold

Saving your soul from being sold is actually easy.

The first thing you should do is learn about your soul and what it means to you.

You also need to learn about your soul’s purpose and what it means to be grounded.

Then, you should also try to stay away from people who want to buy your soul.

The last thing you should do is surround yourself with positive people who love and accept you for who you are.

However, not selling your soul is really easy – you just don’t do it.

You see, nobody can force you to sell your soul.

Should you sell your soul?

If you are thinking about selling your soul, you should really consider if it’s worth it.

You would be giving up a part of your soul in exchange for a fleeting moment of excitement.

You would be giving up the ability to feel when something amazing happens to you.

Not just that, you would also be giving up your ability to be happy and upset when something sad happens to you. And you would be giving up your ability to love others, as well as yourself.

If you are thinking about selling your soul, you may not be thinking about all these important things.

Instead, you are probably thinking about how you could use the money or fame to buy nice things for yourself. But in the end, would it be worth it?


Apart from probably not being possible, it’s also not worth it to sell your soul.

Reasons Selling Your Soul Isn’t a Good Idea

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If you are thinking about selling your soul, here are some reasons why you shouldn’t do it:

  • You would lose a part of your identity.
  • You would lose your ability to feel happiness and sadness.
  • You would lose your ability to connect with people.
  • You would lose your ability to connect with your spirit.
  • You would lose your ability to connect with nature.
  • You would lose your ability to connect with the universe.
  • You would lose your ability to go to heaven, Nirvana, or any other happily ever after.

So when you sell your soul, you are losing a piece of who you are, and you are losing your ability to enjoy life.


Selling your soul to the devil in exchange for fame and fortune is a myth, but you can sell your soul in a dream because dreams are symbolic.

If you are thinking about selling your soul, you should really consider if it’s worth it because you would lose a part of your identity, your ability to feel happiness and sadness, your ability to connect with people and nature, and your ability to connect with the universe.

If you are thinking about selling your soul, remember that it’s a very dangerous decision that can have devastating consequences.

You can’t really sell your soul in your dreams, but you can use your dreams to learn more about yourself and your life.


Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more.

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