5 easy steps to become more aware of what is worth your energy

Have you ever found yourself questioning where all your energy went by midday? 

Imagine a world where every morning you wake up with fresh enthusiasm, fully charged to chase your dreams and conquer challenges.

But let’s be honest, this doesn’t happen all the time. Our energy levels fluctuate daily due to countless factors.

There are days when the very thought of leaving the bed feels overwhelming.

I experience it once in a while and I’m sure we’ve all been there.

And here’s something you might not know: starting your day at 100% isn’t only about getting energy from sources like food or sleep.

But also, it’s about knowing where to effectively focus your energy and even more importantly, where not to focus it.

Today, we’ll dive deep into the tactics you can apply to determine what truly deserves your energy and make wise decisions on where to focus it.

In this article, we’ll guide you through five straightforward steps to refine your focus, ensuring you invest your energy in what genuinely deserves it.

So, if you’ve been feeling mentally drained lately, I’m sure you are going to appreciate this article.

Let’s start!

Step 1: Distinguish between areas of concern and influence

A while back, I stumbled upon a profound yet simple idea from author Stephen Covey. 

In his renowned book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” he introduces the idea of two circles that frame every challenge we encounter in life.

First, there’s the circle of influence: areas where we have the power to enact change or make a difference.

On the other hand, we have the circle of concern: these are things we can’t control, and worrying about them doesn’t solve anything.

We often get caught up worrying about things we can’t change. 

The key is to know the difference between what you can change and what you can’t. 

To explain this better, I’ll tell you a story. I was on holiday in Bali when I got a surprise call from a friend in Argentina. 

He told me someone had stolen my car. I was upset because my car was gone, and I felt helpless. 

But what I could do was report the theft, talk to my insurance, and think about how to park more safely in the future. 

It’s hard not to worry about things that are out of our hands, but it’s important to focus on what we can control to keep our energy and stay calm.

Step 2: Safeguard your personal energy

You know the feeling: You wake up full of energy and ready for the day. 

But by afternoon, you’re tired and maybe even a bit grumpy, wondering what went wrong.

One big reason? The energy from people and things around us can mix with our own, and this can make us feel off.

To keep your energy safe and use it well, try these things:

  • Engage in mindfulness practices like meditation.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Follow a balanced diet combined with regular exercise.
  • Prioritize rest and spend time in nature.

Also, there are special practices that are great for managing your energy. 

Things like Reiki, Qi Gong, and Tai Chi help keep your energy balanced and protected.

If you’re interested in getting better at controlling your energy, there are also specific classes you can take.

Take my example, I took a class called “Duality” by Jeffrey Allen on Mindvalley, and it really changed how I handle my energy.

The class covers a lot, like how to stay grounded, connect with the universe, understand energy fields, and clean up your own energy. It even teaches you about healing yourself and talking to spiritual guides.

Energy isn’t something we can see or touch, but we can feel it’s there.

If you’re thinking about trying something new, this class could be a great start.

Step 3: Conduct a daily (or periodic) check-in on your emotions and priorities

become more aware of what is worth your energy 1 5 easy steps to become more aware of what is worth your energy

Like I mentioned before, sometimes we let little things or conversations take up all our energy without realizing it. 

A small argument or mix-up can mess with your whole day. 

So here’s what you can do: to stop this from happening, it’s important to get into the habit of noticing how you’re feeling and figuring out what’s really important right now.

Let’s say someone at work says something that annoys you. Instead of thinking about it all day, you have a choice to:

  • Acknowledge your emotions,
  • Decide if it’s worth addressing the issue or not,
  • And then redirect your focus back to your primary objectives.

Let me tell you a simple way to get better at this. Take five minutes at the end of your day to think about this:

  • Which emotions were most prominent today?
  • Were there any situations or individuals who unnecessarily sapped my energy?
  • What choices or decisions made me feel more empowered and in command of my energy?
  • What are my top priorities for tomorrow, and how can I ensure I remain focused on them?

And you would be surprised to know that a 2019 study from the National Library of Medicine found that reflecting on daily stressors can bolster psychological well-being, particularly concerning relationships and one’s life purpose.

Step 4: Foster emotional resilience

Being resilient isn’t just about getting over tough times; it’s also about keeping your cool when things are crazy around you. 

It’s like being a tree — when there’s a storm, the tree stays put because of its strong roots, and it moves with the wind so it won’t break.

Now, listen to this: In my own life, I really saw how important this is.

A while back, I started to meditate and write in a journal every day

I didn’t know it then, but these things were a big help later when I had some unexpected problems. 

These simple activities were what kept me steady when things got rough.

But, how can you build up this kind of resilience? Here are some extra tips:

  • Deal with problems directly: Face what scares or worries you instead of avoiding it.
  • Keep good people around you: It’s important to have friends and family who make you feel good and help you out.
  • Learn ways to deal with stress: You can get better at this by talking to a therapist, getting a coach, or using self-help guides.
  • It’s okay to ask for help: Sometimes we need extra help, and it’s smart to ask for it when we do.
  • Do healthy things every day: Activities like meditation can calm your mind and make you emotionally stronger, which helps you deal with the unexpected parts of life.

Step 5: Reevaluate and redefine your purpose

Finally, and just as important, you should sometimes stop and think about your life’s big goals and what you want to achieve. 

If you skip this, you could end up working hard on things that don’t matter to you anymore. 

This happens a lot at work where people are so busy they don’t stop to think if they’re even going in the right direction. This can really wear you out.

Ask yourself:

  • Am I living in alignment with my core values?
  • Do the activities and relationships I invest my time and energy in align with my greater purpose?
  • If I could focus my energy on just one thing, what would it be?

Granting yourself the permission to shift directions, let go of goals that no longer serve you, and chase after new dreams can be incredibly liberating and energizing.


In our world that never slows down and is always uncertain, the real trick is not just having energy but using it in the right way. 

There’s a saying that fits perfectly here: “Where attention goes, energy flows.” 

Every moment, every chat, every choice is a chance to decide where to put your energy wisely. 

Think of energy like money or time — if you use it the right way, it can bring you big benefits like happiness, health, and a feeling of purpose. 

In the end, figuring out where your energy should go is also about leading yourself and really understanding who you are.




Picture of Pamela Kirchheimer

Pamela Kirchheimer

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